Prevent Strategy

The Prevent Strategy is a govenment strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. From July 2015 all schools; as well as other organisations, have a duty as part of their safeguarding role to protect children from radicalisation and extremism.

In school we will teach the children important values such as tolerance and mutual respect. All discussions or activites will be suitable for the age and understanding of the individual children involved.

Please see the link to the parent pamphlet below that has been sent home to all parents and carers.

For further information please view our Safeguarding Policy or speak to Sara Ainsworth (who is the Single Point of Contact).

Other sources of information are the Halton Safeguarding Children's Board website and the Educate Against Hate website ~ please see link below.

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Updated: 24/10/2024 68 KB

Information on Halton Safeguarding Children's Board

The Prevent Strategy

The Prevent Duty in Schools