
The minutes of our Academy Council meetings are publicly available. If you would like a copy of our minutes please contact the Clerk to the Academy Council via the school office.

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Shaw Education Trust Governance

Diversity Data of Governors.

We continually work to develop a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion, in which all those connected to Shaw  Education  Trust  feel  proud  of  their  identity and ability to participate fully in school life. In our current structure, governance roles at our academy are composed of approximately 91.7% white British and 8.3% minority ethnic background.

* Please note that councillors are able to opt out of sharing this information so percentages can only be seen as an approximation.

*The DfE as one of their metrics, suggest that for data collection purposes, any individual who is of any origin other than white British, is defined as being of minority ethnic background.

Brookfields School Academy Council currently has 9 members plus Sara Ainsworth (Executive Headteacher), Harry Dineley (Head of School) and Wendy Wilson (School Business Manager) who also attend the half termly meetings.

The Chair of the Governing Body is Mrs Clare Williams

The Vice-Chair is Mrs Sara Rioux

Other members are:-

Mrs Lauren Moss 

Mrs Morna Patton 

Ms Jacki Ellis 

Ms Ashley Roberts 

Miss Emilia Trapasso 

Mr David Saxton 

Mr Craig Thomas

The Clerk to the Governors is provided by Entrust.

To contact the Chair of Academy Council please email

GIAS information

Local Academy Councils

 Accountability is a key part of our values and, as such, our local governance model is vital to this. We have two models operating across our schools as follows:

  1. Academy Councils (ACs)
  2. Interim Executive Boards (IEBs)

Academy Councils offer a more traditional model of local governance, with an appointed membership board working regularly with schools under our scheme of delegation.  Academy Councils work to a standardised agenda produced by SET, which covers a wide range of school business to ensure the school is meeting the needs of its pupils and the local community.  As such, the Academy Council will have 2 parents as members.

 IEBs are an interim measure put in place when SET judges a school to require rapid impact.  IEBs are made up of education and support services professionals from within the Trust who have the expertise to challenge and support the school to succeed.  Once the school has achieved improvement expectations, the IEB will transition into an Academy Council. 

 Within Shaw Education Trust our function of governance at local level is:

“To be responsible for supporting and challenging our Academy and Trust leaders, ensuring that decisions made at a local level are for the benefit of pupils, and directly linked to the strategic vision of the Academy and Trust. To ensure these decisions consider the views of our other stakeholders (parents, staff and local community) and effective communication exists between all. These decisions centre mainly around areas of educational standards & provision, and operational functions, as detailed in the Scheme of Delegation.”

Brookfields School currently works with an Academy Council.

Mrs Clare Williams

Mrs Clare Williams

Chair of Governors

Sara Ainsworth

Sara Ainsworth

Executive Headteacher

Wendy Wilson

Wendy Wilson

School Business Manager

Sara Rioux

Sara Rioux


Ashley Roberts

Ashley Roberts

Parent Academy Councillor

Mr Harry Dineley

Mr Harry Dineley

Head of School

Mrs Morna Patton

Mrs Morna Patton

Staff Academy Councillor

Mrs Jacqueline Ellis

Mrs Jacqueline Ellis

Staff Academy Councillor

David Saxton

David Saxton

Academy Councillor

Emilia Trapasso

Emilia Trapasso

Academy Councillor

Craig Thomas

Craig Thomas

Academy Councillor

Shaw Education Trust staff and Trustees

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We need you as an Academy Councillor!!

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