Tips for supporting: 

  • Be patient and understanding .
  • Allow time for pupils to process information and use visual first if possible
  • Try to keep the environment as calm as possible.
  • Keep as much routine as possible and use visuals to communicate this.
  • Keep language and noise to a minimum
  • Allow regular movement breaks ( remember the release of endorphins trigger happy feelings)
  • Have strategies for times when pupils are out of sorts eg some time in quiet area, a run around outside, hand/ foot massage, music, heavy blankets etc
  • Use interests to base activities on
  • Talk regularly with parents/carers to try and preempt any anxiety 
  • Be flexible 
  • Have fun 
  • Sensory activities ( gloop, shaving foam, water play etc)

There are some excellent ideas, websites and activities in the Home Tasks section of the website.