Family Support

I would like to introduce myself as your Family Support Worker based here at Brookfields. My name is Louise Green and I am in school every day to offer support and advice for all parents and carers.

My role in school is to assist staff, children and their families in securing whatever support is required to support each child's progress.  There is  a wealth of knowledge, care and opportunity at Brookfields, so my liaison role aims to enable all of our families to access the school and wider support network easily.

I am on hand to help with a variety of matters ranging from health, education, finances, community, housing, behaviour, parenting strategies or just to be a starting point if you need a listening ear. It is my aim to be the link person who can make referrals to relevant agencies for you, liaise with staff at school, or signpost you to other agencies so your family feel they have all the support they need.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at school if you would like to discuss any specific matters with me.

My Contact Details are:


Tel: 07546 694714

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Telephone: 07546 694714 or the school number 0151 424 4329

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Self Help Guides to Access

Please look at these guides for advice and support about a wide range of issues including bereavement, anxiety, stress, domestic violence etc. They contain videos, leaflets and many ideas of strategies and support.

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NSPCC Pants Rule

Online Safety Resources for Parents of Children with SEND

Online Safety Videos for Parents

Online Information for 4-7 Year Olds

Gaming and Talking to Strangers Safety Advice

VR Technology Concerns and How to Minimise Risk

Parents Guide to Roblox

Internet Matters - Children's Online Safety

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PowerPoint from Open Evening

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Visual aids will support your child's understanding and communication. We use them in school on a daily basis, so your child is already familiar with them. Please feel free to print these resources out and laminate them (for durability!).  Use them at home and when you're out and about. If you can't make your own resources, either take some screen shots of them on your phone and use them that way, or ask Louise in school to produce the ones you need.

These are some examples of what is available, but if you need one you can't see, just ask Louise. Email details are on the 'Contact' page of the Family Support section.

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Leading Parent Partnership Award – LPPA

In 2019 we achieved the Leading Parent Partnership Award. The purpose of this nationally recognised award is to help focus the school’s work with parents and families.

As a community, we always hope to build on the many strengths the school already has with parents. We want to provide opportunities for parents to have a voice in everyday school life.  At Brookfields School we want to do everything we possibly can to help parents and families support their children. 

The LPPA consists of ten evidence-based objectives which schools must meet to get the award.

  1. The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
  2. The school makes and implements effective plans to achieve and maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
  3. The school is a welcoming and friendly place for parents.
  4. The school promotes an awareness of and participation in lifelong learning opportunities available in school and in the community to all groups of parents.
  5. The school holds and actively promotes enrichment opportunities or events for joint parent/child participation.
  6. The school provides good induction for all new parents.
  7. The school provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them support their children’s learning.
  8. The school produces and implements parent friendly policies to establish effective home school-links and improve pupil/student attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress and positive participation in school.
  9. The school provides good support for transition for parents when their children leave the school.
  10. The school evaluates performance against the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

So what is the award?

The LPPA is a nationally recognised award achievable by schools who work very closely with the families of their pupils. The assessment is made by an external advisor.

What difference will the award make to the work done with families at Brookfields School?

It will make our work with families even better. It will improve our communication and build more activities for families in school. As you know we are always trying to improve and completing this award will help us do that!

How can families help us gain to maintain our award status?

  • Read all the information that we send out
  • Come along to events we organise if you are able
  • Complete any questionnaires we send out as honestly as you can

We have established an LPPA working party who will meet periodically to work on their action plan and gather the evidence needed to gain the award.

We will keep you posted on meeting dates etc. by letter, text and Facebook.

LPPA Website

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Parent Workbook

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Understanding and Supporting Your Child's Behaviour - PowerPoint Recording

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Household into Work Website and Referral Resource

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Magic 'To do' Support

Autism Diagnosis Pathway

ADHD Diagnosis Pathway

Using a Dopamine Menu to Stimulate Your ADHD Brain

Time Management Support

Alternative Therapy Information for ADHD

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We Connect Service in Halton

The We Connect service provided by Wellbeing Enterprises CIC is open to self referrals and referrals from Voluntary Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) organisations operating in Halton.

How it Works:

We Connect provides practical, social and emotional support for people aged 18 and over who are registered with a GP Practice in Halton. We can help people turn things around and get back on track. A team of dedicated Wellbeing Link Workers are on hand to provide support which includes:

  1. Personalised one to one support to identify and address needs and build strengths and capabilities.

  2. The co-development of a Personalised Wellbeing Plan and coordinating support between a wide range of services. We provide a consistent point of contact throughout.

  3. Access to free educational and social inclusion courses, activities, excursions and resources. Link to current programme of activities.  

  4. Access to free cost of living resources, vouchers, toiletries, clothing, food.

Here is a short animation describing the service. 

Access the Service:

  • Accessing the service is simple. Members of the public can call 01928 589 799 to request an appointment. Alternatively they can complete a short and simple online referral via this link.

  • VCFSE professionals can refer people directly using the link to a separate referral form.

  • Turn around times for the service are good.

More Information:

If you'd like more information about the We Connect Service provided by Wellbeing Enterprises please contact James Smith, Operations Manager at Wellbeing Enterprises CIC on: T: 01928 589 799 E:

We run open team meetings where partner organisations can attend and learn more about our work and explore partnership opportunities. Alternatively, we are happy to attend your team meetings to present the service offer.

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The Feeding Trust - Birmingham

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ARFID Awareness

Food Restriction and Avoidant Eating Book

Eating Disorders and Autism

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Useful Resource Pages

What's on in Halton?

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Puberty and Growing Up

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Understanding Sensory Processing and Integration in Children (For Parents and Carers)

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Carers Centre Newsletter March 25
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If you would like to bridge the gap between school and college, or fancy learning a new skill then there are a range of adult learning programmes available in Halton for you.

Please see the links and posters below for more information.

Halton Adult Learning

New 24/7 Crisis Line to Support People’s Mental Health

PEOPLE living in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington who are experiencing a mental health crisis can now access mental health support via a new 24/7 dedicated mental health crisis line: 01925 275 309. This complements the existing 24/7 mental health crisis line in Wigan: 01942 636 395.

North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has launched the crisis line to provide support 24 hours a day, seven days a week to people of all ages, including children and young people, who need urgent mental health support.

John Heritage, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, said: “We recognise that these challenging times are affecting a lot of people’s mental wellbeing.

“We are committed to responding to people’s needs and our dedicated 24/7 mental health crisis line offers local, specialised support in a timely, person-centred and safe way."

“By calling our crisis lines, you will speak with one of our dedicated mental health professionals who will work with you to develop a plan and help you to access the support you need."

“I’m hugely proud of the efforts of all of our staff and their continued dedication to make sure our patients are receiving the care and support they need. I would like to thank everyone who has worked hard to establish and deliver this crisis line in such a short space of time.”

What to Do if You Need Urgent Mental Health Help:

  • Please call and our dedicated local crisis lines and NHS staff will support you to access the help you need:
  • The crisis lines are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are open to people of all ages – including children and young people
  • The crisis lines are now the first port of call for mental health crisis help – it is operated by people in your local area who will know how best to support you. If you call NHS 111 you may have to wait longer for help and will be redirected to this local service
  • Please note, A&E and 999 are not the best places to get help for the majority of mental health problems – call our crisis line to be directed to the best local service to support you
  • You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate mental or physical health assistance

Mental Health Support and Information

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Halton Local Offer

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Max Card

Halton Carers Centre

Disabled Living

National Disabled Identifiation Card

Chesire Autism Practical Support

Aukids Magazine

ADHD Information and Advice

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Challenging Behaviour Foundation

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Wellbeing Enterprises

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Benefits and Welfare Advice

Grants for Children with Disabilities

Mencap Wills & Trusts Resources

Carers Allowance

Family Fund

Blue Badge Application - Disability Rights Information

Citizens Advice

Watersure - Bill Support from United Utilities

Council Tax Reduction

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Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

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DLA Information

Claiming DLA Higher Rate Mobility

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Child Mental Health and Wellbeing Tips

Parents Mental Health and Wellbeing Tips