The class are supported in the 'Herons' class by the teacher, Tony, and three teaching assistants, Tracy, Scott and Sam.
In addition to our curriculum we undertake work on communication, behaviour and social skills. Over the course of the week we also have access to a variety of facilities which assist our work on motor skills and sensory diets.
Heron's day for a trip on the bus will be a Monday (PM) on alternate weeks; we may also occasionally take a morning trip on a Friday. We are scheduled in for swimming on a Friday; we have a rota of two groups.
Our autumn topic is 'Water'
Makaton Topic -Weather-Singing Hands
Welcome to Herons
In Herons' class we have three members of staff; we are made up of Tony (class teacher) and teaching assistants Tracy, Scott and Sam. There are ten pupils in the class following the Explorer and Adventurer pathways. Every second Monday the class is led by Sarah; this is usually the day when pupils get the opportunity to go on educational visits ranging from park visits (for motor skill development and play based skills), to visits to the museum (for subject specific engagement) and cultural development. Our swimming day is Friday; we currently have two groups on a rotation.