Whole School Approach to SEND
BY far the best practice in inclusion is a whole school approach. Most practitioners would agree that a SEND friendly classroom is suitable and beneficial to all pupils.
Consider the graduated approach outlined in the SEND Code of Practice, this is based on the following 4 actions:
- Assess
- Plan
- Do
- Review
Audits are a useful tool to ascertain strengths and weaknesses before devising a whole school plan.
- Assess the learning needs of all pupils in the school
- Ensure staff are clear regarding their responsibilities in relation to SEND
- Ensure the leadership team stance is clear and that they understand their role in ensuring the school is inclusive.
- Ensure that SEND/Inclusion is part of the whole school improvement plan
- Ensure that SEND/Inclusion is apparent in all staff planning and therefore part of the school culture.
- Implement whole school strategies until they are embedded in school culture
- Use visuals across the school (see guidance re a whole school approach to using visuals)
- Teach in a multi sensory way
- Break lessons /activities into manageable chunks
- Keep staff training up to date
- Ensure the school is accessible to all
- Review regularly
- Share good practice and success