
We have 10 Year 5 pupils and 4 members of staff in the Hawks team.


The class teacher is Rebecca and the support staff are Georgia, Mel and Clare.

On our class page you will find some online resources to support engaging with home learning (remember to take lots of pictures - we love looking at them on the interactive board as a class to celebrate the children's achievements). This may include:

Topic (Music/Art/PSHE/RE)



Maths/Thinking and problem solving

  • Swimming is on Tuesdays.
  • Bus trips are fortnightly on Thursdays.
  • Pictures are uploaded to Evisense to show your child's learning journey, please ask for a log in if you do not have one.

Our topic this term is 'In the Jungle'.

Please find our termly overview, that outlines what we will be learning about this term.

Updated: 05/02/2025 100 KB

Here are some resources that link to our topic, to engage your child with home learning:

Music Exploration

Yoga Monkey

Go Noodle Movement Breaks

Feelings song

Topmarks Maths

Topmarks Phonics



Reading with your child:

Enjoy some of your children's favourite books with them. Here are some suggestions and questions whilst reading to your child...

  • Encourage children to turn the pages independently.
  • Ask children to point to the different characters/pictures in the story.
  • Ask children to retell key events in the story.
  • What might happen next? 
  • Who is your favourite character? Why?

To develop pre-reading skills:

Encourage your child to explore different sounds around the home or outside, go for a walk and say what sounds you can hear.

Listen to nursery rhymes, stories and songs, singing along with your child.

If you are feeling creative, make an instrument using recycled materials and explore what sounds you can make!