Welcome to the Seals class in Brookfields. 

We have 10 pupils in class.  Staffing wise, there is Morna (class teacher) who is supported by Sam, Alex & Emily.  Every other Friday, Sarah W. will be teaching in class.

Alongside our lessons such as Communication & Language, Thinking & Problem Solving and My World & My Community,  we will also be focusing on our individual communication skills using a total communication approach (verbal, visuals including our core vocabulary boards, objects of reference, colourful semantics etc.), self help, fine and gross motor skills and working as a class to support each other to turn take and share.  

We will be accessing a range of specialist areas such as soft play, tyre park, forest school area, light room and the hall throughout the week.

We have a swim session every Friday morning with half the class going every other week.  Please send in a swim kit that can stay in school in case additional swimming sessions become available. 

Below you will find some educational links to websites I hope you find useful.  If you need any resources, please do just email me.


We have 10 pupils in class.  Staffing wise, there is Morna (class teacher) who is supported by Sam, Alex & Emily.  Every other Friday, Sarah W. will be teaching in class.

Alongside our lessons such as Communication & Language, Thinking & Problem Solving and My World & My Community,  we will also be focusing on our individual communication skills using a total communication approach, self help, fine and gross motor skills and working as a class to support each other to turn take and share.  

We will be accessing a range of specialist areas such as soft play, tyre park, forest school area, light room and the hall throughout the week.

We have a swim session every Friday morning with half the class going every other week.  Please send in a swim kit that can stay in school in case additional swimming sessions become available. 

Below you will find some educational links to websites I hope you find useful.  If you need any resources, please do just email me.



Seals overview

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Using the link below to find lots of information and activities for the Read Write Inc. phonics programme that is used at Brookfields School as well as e-books to be read. 

Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl

Online Phonics Games (Phase 1) - PhonicsBloom.com

To support your child to continue building on their letter formation, try sprinkling some flour onto the table to mark make/make lines/write letters, their name and common words, using their finger tip or a toothbrush. 


Below are some links to games and activities related to Maths; 

Oxford Owl maths games & activities

Maths - Topmarks Search

Maths home learning | Home learning | White Rose Education 

The use of technology is part of our everyday life and so must be the awareness of how to use it safely.  Below are  a range of resources that give guidance on keeping safe when online.  

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Below are some Home Learning activities which can be done with minimal objects and materials that can be found around the home and when on a walk.  

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Toilet roll bird feeder

Calm mindfulness resources

Yoga poses for children (& adults!)